Proposal: Dynasty
First Player to 1200 Points wins this Round of BlogNomic. All GNDT values are reset to zero/blank.
Add a new rating column to the GNDT: "Imperial Favor" which follows the guidelines set in the "Dynasties" rule below.
Delete Rules 10, 12, and 16.
Any Proposals pending at the time of this proposal's enactment will be considered Failed, without penalty to the author.
Create a new rule: "Dynasties"
[This doesn't wipe out as much of the game as Kevan's proposal, but I think it's worth our while to keep Karma as a rating, and a few proposals after 9 have some useful clarifications. Also, Kevan's rule would delete the GameBoard, which would be a waste. As a sidenote... we might want to ask Erik to grant the other admin's access to the GameBoard to add new Player's permissions, and set up an email to be sent to all current and any new admins with access passwords.]
Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 8th, +10 Points to Myke, +5 Points to Kevan (although those points are immediately lost when the Proposal enacts)
[ Note that I gave Myke 33 Points before enacting this, otherwise the first paragraph would have taken effect as "Nobody wins this round yet. All GNDT scores are blanked.", which wouldn't have been very good. ]
First Player to 1200 Points wins this Round of BlogNomic. All GNDT values are reset to zero/blank.
- BlogNomic is divided into Rounds called Dynasties, each with a separate winning condition. When a Player fulfills the winning condition, he/she is named Emperor/Empress of BlogNomic, and the next round is begun as that Player's Dynasty. (i.e. "First Dynasty of Myke" "Third Dynasty of Kevan" etc.)
The new Emperor/Empress will post a Welcome Address to the BlogNomic blog that begins the next Round of BlogNomic, and this address will be linked to in the right sidebar column as "[# of dynasty] Dynasty of [Emperor/Empress's name] ([start date]-[finish date/'current']" above the archive section.
The Emperor/Empress will be granted the power to Veto any proposal. This Imperial Veto may be overturned by a 2/3 majority, and may not be applied to any proposal that sets the winning condition for the current Round.
The Emperor/Empress will also be permitted to change the BlogNomic header and color scheme upon their ascendency, and include the Dynastic label in the header.
Imperial Favor is a numerical rating that reflects the current Emperor/Empress's view of any other Player. The Emperor/Empress is the only Player who may update the "Imperial Favor" rating, and may do so at his/her whim. Values can be negative, positive, zero, and as large or small as the Emperor/Empress deigns. (An Emperor/Empress may not have an Imperial Favor rating themself.)
[This doesn't wipe out as much of the game as Kevan's proposal, but I think it's worth our while to keep Karma as a rating, and a few proposals after 9 have some useful clarifications. Also, Kevan's rule would delete the GameBoard, which would be a waste. As a sidenote... we might want to ask Erik to grant the other admin's access to the GameBoard to add new Player's permissions, and set up an email to be sent to all current and any new admins with access passwords.]

[ Note that I gave Myke 33 Points before enacting this, otherwise the first paragraph would have taken effect as "Nobody wins this round yet. All GNDT scores are blanked.", which wouldn't have been very good. ]
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