Proposal : Doubleplusgood
[ Optional government acceleration of proposals, as a guard against population increase and voter apathy. ]
In Rule 4, replace "Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and IMPERIAL" with "Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DOUBLEPLUSGOOD, DOUBLEPLUSBAD and IMPERIAL".
Add the paragraph:-
Failed by Mat, Thursday the 28th
In Rule 4, replace "Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and IMPERIAL" with "Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, DOUBLEPLUSGOOD, DOUBLEPLUSBAD and IMPERIAL".
Add the paragraph:-
A vote of DOUBLEPLUSGOOD is equivalent to two FOR votes; a vote of DOUBLEPLUSBAD is equivalent to two AGAINST votes. Only Government officials may cast DOUBLEPLUSGOOD or DOUBLEPLUSBAD votes, and they are signified by two successive FOR icons or AGAINST icons respectively.
To the paragraph beginning "If there exists more than one Vote", add "(DOUBLEPLUSGOOD and DOUBLEPLUSBAD are treated as single votes, for this purpose.)"

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