Proposal: Imperial Ceiling
We've got a lot of new people coming in. I think this is excellent, but, as people have said, the number of proposals could quickly get out of hand. Therefore, I propose a limit of sorts on the number of citizens in this great empire, by amending rule 2, Citizens, in the following manner:
Append the sentence "There may at no time be more than 20 citizens total in Blognomic." to the end of the first paragraph.
This seems an altogether fairer method of making the tide of proposals more manageable than further limitation of proposal rights.
Failed by Mat, Tuesday the 26th, -2 from Cayvie
Append the sentence "There may at no time be more than 20 citizens total in Blognomic." to the end of the first paragraph.
This seems an altogether fairer method of making the tide of proposals more manageable than further limitation of proposal rights.

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