Proposal: Further diversification (to prepare for education)
My intention is to eventually have at least 5 sub-branches under each field of employment (each with different pay rates and duties) so that education will actually mean something
Expand the Sub-branches in Rule 20 to:
and add the following line after the line "All Subjects are initially Civ:Worker, and the Emperor must always be Gov:Emperor. No other Citizens may become Gov:Emperor." :
nb: The Emperor does not have any educational benefits, but I was thinking that perhaps we could add benefits to the Emperor depending upon the experience of his cabinet. (ie: if he encourages his ministry to educate themselves, then he reaps certain benefits as well). Something to think about I guess.
Enacted by Mat, Sept 3.
Expand the Sub-branches in Rule 20 to:
Civ:Worker: (Civ:W:)
Level 1 - Floorhand
Level 2 - Apprentice
Level 3 - Process Worker
Level 4 - Leading Hand
Level 5 - Foreman
Civ:Retail: (Civ:R:)
Level 1 - Waiter
Level 2 - Kitchen Hand
Level 3 - Cook
Level 4 - Chef
Level 5 - Manager
Sci:Research: (Sci:R:)
Level 1 - Lab Assistant
Level 2 - Scientist
Level 3 - Program Leader
Level 4 - Strategic Director
Level 5 - Chief of Research
Sci:Academia: (Sci:A:)
Level 1 - Tutor
Level 2 - Lecturer
Level 3 - Dept Head
Level 4 - Councillor
Level 5 - Dean of Academy
Mil:Enlisted: (Mil:E:)
Level 1 - Private
Level 2 - Corporal
Level 3 - Sergent
Level 4 - Staff Sergent
Level 5 - Sergent-Major
Mil:Officer: (Mil:O:)
Level 1 - Lieutenant
Level 2 - Captain
Level 3 - Major
Level 4 - Colonel
Level 5 - General
Gov:Ministry: (Gov:M:)
Level 1 - Intern
Level 2 - Senator's Aide
Level 3 - Senator
Level 4 - Minister
Level 5 - Prime Minister
and add the following line after the line "All Subjects are initially Civ:Worker, and the Emperor must always be Gov:Emperor. No other Citizens may become Gov:Emperor." :
"When a Citizen chooses a profession they must specify their sub-branch, and will start at Level 1 of their selected sub-branch. Citizens can progress in their specified profession by taking courses at the Academy (nb:to be added later). There may be any number of Citizens at Levels 1-3 in any profession, but only two (2) at Level 4 and one (1) at Level 5 of each individual profession."
nb: The Emperor does not have any educational benefits, but I was thinking that perhaps we could add benefits to the Emperor depending upon the experience of his cabinet. (ie: if he encourages his ministry to educate themselves, then he reaps certain benefits as well). Something to think about I guess.

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