Proposal: Ignorance is Strength
[Hmmm, we have an influx of militaryness. In order to keep our military members strong we must keep them ignorant so ...]
Add the following location to Rule # 20:
and then add the description of The Academy to say:
[Then maybe when we get some classes we will at least be able to separate a military education from that of a secular, liberal arts or technical education. Since, clearly, you would not teach them the same things.]
Failed by Anthony, 9/5. -5 from Aaron, +2 to Anthony.
Add the following location to Rule # 20:
The Military Academy (only military units may attend)
and then add the description of The Academy to say:
The Academy (military units may not attend)
[Then maybe when we get some classes we will at least be able to separate a military education from that of a secular, liberal arts or technical education. Since, clearly, you would not teach them the same things.]

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