Proposal: I'm not mad! Just a little angry.
Create a new rule, "Experimental Modification":
Enacted by Squirrel, 14th Oct.
The Doctor wishes to "experiment" to test several modifications on different specimens. Possible modifications include, but are not limited to: replacing limbs with animal limbs or mechanical (clockwork) ones or adding new limbs; skin replacement; adding claws/fangs; etc.
Each modification has a quantifiable effect, converted to Attribute scores rated from 0 to 5. Initially, Specimens have all Attributes rated at 0, except for the Doctor (whose lab gives him equivalent Intelligence of 6, the only exception to the Attribute rating limits). Attributes are recorded in the GNDT. The Attributes that can be modified include:
Combat (COM) - This includes all modifications that would make a Specimen more likely to be effective in combat, such as claws or scales, and also includes modifications like wings or animal legs that would add speed to an attack.
Intelligence (INT) - Intelligence-enhancing experiments include extra or replacement heads or brains. This could be used for performing experiments.
Each modification must be clearly defined in the GNDT comments when performed. (Example: Modification: Claws) Experiments must be performed by a Specimen with INT equal to or higher than the new level of the attribute, and cannot raise an attribute by more than one level per modification. A Specimen cannot perform more than one experimental modification per day, and cannot operate on itself.
Experimental modifications must have voluntary subjects, unless performed by the Doctor, who can tie someone down and operate at will. Anyone who performs an experimental modification on another Specimen against their will must pay the cost from their own life force, and the modification is immediately reversed.
Experiments drain the life force of the Specimen being experimented upon. The cost for is equal to the new level of the Attribute being modified, minus the margin by which the INT of the Specimen performing the experiment exceeds the new Attribute level, times 4, with a minimum of 4. For example, if a Specimen with INT 3 adds Claws to another Specimen that has COM 1, the cost is 2 (The new level) minus the difference between the INT 3, and the new level 2, multiplied by 4. (2-(3-2))*4=(2-1)*4=1*4=4, the final cost for the victim in life force.
Raising the dead costs nothing, because electricity, zombie infections, and vampire blood are at discount prices throughout October, and will be on clearance after that. Bringing the dead to life requires INT 6, and the Doctor and his Adminions are the only ones able to do this.

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