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Tuesday, December 23, 2003


Hi. I don't know if this is appropriate, but I am going to make (and act on) some assertions based on my interpretation of the rules. Thus, if anyone disagrees with my assertions and actions thereon, they may issue a CFJ to dispute.

Assertion 1: Planets do NOT get to collect mega-credits for Universal Budgets enacted before they were represented.

Assertion 2: Homeless representatives who claim a planet as per Rule 11 do NOT have to pay the "exploration and conquering" fee.

Assertion 3: When a representative gains control of a previously unrepresented planet, he/she also gains control of that planet's wealth, currently set by Rule 11 at 100 MCr.

Anyone disagreeing with my assertions, please feel free to CFJ. I am doing this primarily to get the ball rolling.

Thank you, that is all.