Proposal: Galactic economy
The value of the galactic MegaCredit is variable, and depends entirely on how much of it is in free circulation.
A new row will be added to the GNDT, called 'Galactic Bank'. The only field relivant to the Galactic Bank is the MegaCredit column. Every transaction that involves an expenditure or aquisition of MegaCredits takes place, either the total added to a Representatives MegaCredit total is subtracted from the Galactic Bank or the total subtracted from the Representatives total is added to the Galactic Bank. This does not affect straightforward player-to-player transfers. This does effect the gain of credits for having a proposal enacted and also for the gains of administration. This also affects taxes; the taxes are added to the Galactic bank total and the rebates are claimed from it. In short, all money that enters the game comes from this finite source, and all money that leaves the game get put into it. The Galactic Bank enters the game with 5,000 MegaCredits.
Should the Galactic Bank ever run out of money, the Galactic Credit would suddenly become worthless (Any representative who tries to claim money from the bank, only to find it empty, may declare it bankrupt). The economies of all the planets, and the galaxy as a whole, would be ruined, and civilisation would begin to disintegrate. A representative could then "buy out" the bank, by paying off all money that it owes and adding 100 MegaCredits to its total reserve. The player that does this then has total control over the Galactic economy and wins the Dynasty. If the economy collapses and no-one is in a position to buy it out, then the Representative with the highest military power will be winner of the Dynasty. If two Representatives have the same Oortnot rating, the Speaker may decide between the two of them by the roll of a dice in the GNDT.
A separate proposal will follow dealing with inflation and devaluation.
Enacted by Damanor Dec 28; +10 to Joranj, +5 to Damanor
The value of the galactic MegaCredit is variable, and depends entirely on how much of it is in free circulation.
A new row will be added to the GNDT, called 'Galactic Bank'. The only field relivant to the Galactic Bank is the MegaCredit column. Every transaction that involves an expenditure or aquisition of MegaCredits takes place, either the total added to a Representatives MegaCredit total is subtracted from the Galactic Bank or the total subtracted from the Representatives total is added to the Galactic Bank. This does not affect straightforward player-to-player transfers. This does effect the gain of credits for having a proposal enacted and also for the gains of administration. This also affects taxes; the taxes are added to the Galactic bank total and the rebates are claimed from it. In short, all money that enters the game comes from this finite source, and all money that leaves the game get put into it. The Galactic Bank enters the game with 5,000 MegaCredits.
For Example:
Mat of Zarquon collects his taxes of 27 MegaCredits. He adjusts his total from 100 to 127, and at the same time adjusts the Galactic Bank's total from 5,000 to 4,973.
Keitalia of Zenith wants to buy a Mining Complex. She deducts 25 MegaCredits from her total, leaving her with 20, and adds those 25 to the Galactic Bank, putting it back up to 4,998.
Should the Galactic Bank ever run out of money, the Galactic Credit would suddenly become worthless (Any representative who tries to claim money from the bank, only to find it empty, may declare it bankrupt). The economies of all the planets, and the galaxy as a whole, would be ruined, and civilisation would begin to disintegrate. A representative could then "buy out" the bank, by paying off all money that it owes and adding 100 MegaCredits to its total reserve. The player that does this then has total control over the Galactic economy and wins the Dynasty. If the economy collapses and no-one is in a position to buy it out, then the Representative with the highest military power will be winner of the Dynasty. If two Representatives have the same Oortnot rating, the Speaker may decide between the two of them by the roll of a dice in the GNDT.
A separate proposal will follow dealing with inflation and devaluation.

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