Proposal: Adamantium testing
The council, in its efforts to rebuild the shattered economy, will initiate a wide-scale search for Adamantium, a crucial construction resource. By a quirk of physics, adamantium is more common on smaller worlds.
Create a new column in the GDNT, labelled 'Resources'.
Each Representative may search for Adamantium once, by making an entry in the GDNT with "Name:DICE+X-5" in the comments, replacing Name with the name of their planet or system, and X with 2 if the planet or system is small, 1 if it is medium, and 0 if it is large. If the result is a positive number, then adamantium is found. That Representative may write in the 'Resources' column 'Adamantium(Z)', replacing Z with the result.
There's no way of getting Adamantium out of the ground yet, as I'm too tired.
Enacted by Mat Dec. 3, 19:49
Create a new column in the GDNT, labelled 'Resources'.
Each Representative may search for Adamantium once, by making an entry in the GDNT with "Name:DICE+X-5" in the comments, replacing Name with the name of their planet or system, and X with 2 if the planet or system is small, 1 if it is medium, and 0 if it is large. If the result is a positive number, then adamantium is found. That Representative may write in the 'Resources' column 'Adamantium(Z)', replacing Z with the result.
There's no way of getting Adamantium out of the ground yet, as I'm too tired.

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