Proposal : Guns Don't Kill People
[ Heavily simplifying weapons. I'm still not comfortable with the "forcing" thing - it's really just saying "drop your weapon, or I will shoot and kill you, and the ruleset assumes that you won't want to be killed, so you just drop your weapon automatically". Why not allow people to carry out the threats, and bluff, and things? Player A seriously demanding that Player B drop his knife or be killed, and waiting for a response, seems a lot more memorable (for building up a picture of Player A being angry and dangerous) than Player A just quietly invoking the little "make a player drop his knife" rule.
By adding a rule saying that killing someone reveals their Species, this should make killing a very risky thing to do - if you kill someone that turns out to be Human, then you're likely to face heavy retribution from the other team members (because they'll think you're either a Thing, or a dangerous lunatic). And if you kill a Thing, maybe that'll compromise the identity of some other Lifeforms, who will now have nothing to lose.
Of course, if it turns out that everyone gets killed off in a terrible bloodbath before the end of the week, we can propose a rule for spawning fresh Humans... ]
Replace the weapons list and "The specific effects of the weapons are as follows" in the Weaponry rule with:-
Enact a new Rule, "Death" (or reword it to the following, if it already exists):-
And replace the term "attack" with "convert", in Rule 13 (Things).
Enacted by Mat Jan 9; 01:55
By adding a rule saying that killing someone reveals their Species, this should make killing a very risky thing to do - if you kill someone that turns out to be Human, then you're likely to face heavy retribution from the other team members (because they'll think you're either a Thing, or a dangerous lunatic). And if you kill a Thing, maybe that'll compromise the identity of some other Lifeforms, who will now have nothing to lose.
Of course, if it turns out that everyone gets killed off in a terrible bloodbath before the end of the week, we can propose a rule for spawning fresh Humans... ]
Replace the weapons list and "The specific effects of the weapons are as follows" in the Weaponry rule with:-
Each Weapon has a Strength rating. Any Lifeform may attack another Lifeform in the same Location by posting a blog entry declaring this intention - if the total Strength of the attacker's Weapons exceeds that of the defender's Weapons, then the defender is killed outright.
If an attack is not strong enough to defeat the defender, any other Lifeforms in the same Location may assist the attacker by adding comments of support to that post - their Weapon Strength is added to that of the main attacker; as soon as it is sufficient to overcome the defender, the defender is killed. (If, after 24 hours, the total attack is still insufficient, the attack fails.)
Available weapons are:-
Shotgun: Strength 3.
Pistol: Strength 2.
Knife: Strength 1. No defence against firearms.
Enact a new Rule, "Death" (or reword it to the following, if it already exists):-
All Lifeforms are either Alive or Dead. This data is tracked in the GNDT.
When a Lifeform dies, its true Species is revealed and it is dumped Outside. Dead Lifeforms cannot change their Location, perform Attacks, convert Humans or search for weapons.
And replace the term "attack" with "convert", in Rule 13 (Things).

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