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Wednesday, January 07, 2004


Re-Proposal: Armoury

Shotgun dynamic changed slightly; Flamethrower removed altogether, but can be re-submitted at a later date.

An initial scan of the Armoury was fruitless; the previous residents of the base had obviously made this their first port of call. However, you mind wanders to the deep drifts of snow throughout the base. If the previous researchers had been set upon by wild animals, then the weapons could quite easily be anywhere.

If Proposal: The Thing That Came From Somewhere is passed, enact a new rule, "Weaponry":

There are weapons scattered throughout the base, dropped by the previous residents and hidden by the wandering snow. Initially, there are 6 weapons in the building:

1 shotgun
3 hunting knives
2 pistol

To search for a weapon, any Researcher, Thing or Human, must post an entry in the GNDT saying "Weapon Search:DICE-5", and expend 10 life due to the biting cold. If the result is a positive number, a further post of "Weapon:DICE" must be made. The results are as follows:


If the dice gives a result that has already been claimed by another researcher, then the search is assumed to have failed - weapons are small, and the base is big. A Researcher can only search once per day.

Further weapons may be introduced by the Radio at any time. If Hersch Values is passed All weapons give -5 to the Research's Hersch Value, to a minimum of zero.

The specific effects of the weapons are as follows:

Shotgun: The bearer of the shotgun has the power. Once every two days, he can force one other Researcher to change their vote in any proposal, provided that intimidated Researcher has less than 50 life. If Hersch Values is passed Any Researcher forced in such a way gains +2 Hersch; if they chose not to comply, they are killed and reborn as a Thing with 100 Life. The player with the Shotgun has some protection against the Thing; if he/she is attacked by the Thing, then the Radio must roll a dice to see if the Thing is successful, allowing the Researcher a 1 in 2 chance of survival. The Thing can carry the Shotgun, with the same effects if attacked by a human.
Pistol: The Researcher carrying the pistol cannot be forced by the carrier of the Shotgun. This pistol offers some limited defense against the Thing; if the carrier is attacked by the Thing, then the Radio must roll a dice to see if the Thing is successful, allowing the Researcher a 1 in 3 chance of survival. The Thing can carry the Pistol, with the same effects if attacked by a human.
Knife: The knife provides very limited defense against the Thing; if the carrier is attacked by the Thing, then the Radio must roll a dice to see if the Thing is successful, allowing the Researcher a 1 in 6 chance of survival. The Thing can carry the Knife, with the same effects if attacked by a human.

If a Researcher dies or is turned into a Thing, their weapon is dropped and can be refound in the usual manner. The Radio may introduce new weapons through a proposal in the usual manner; he may also edit the dice results table at any time.

Enacted by Mat Jan 8; 18:09