Proposal: Hersch Values
Jakob Hersch was the leader of the last AARG team. When the current team returned to the site, his room was one of the ones most damaged by the fire of unknown origin. However, amidst the remains of his and the rest of the group's possessions, his tape-recorded log stood, almost completely undamaged. Eagerly anticipating clues that would help solve the mystery of his team's disappearance, the current team immediately began to listen. To their dismay and disturbance, though, after the opening few days, there was a full 18 minutes of silence. When the silence finally cut out, the rest of the tape was filled with Hersch saying rhymed nonsense phrases ("It takes your shape, it wears a cape") and intermittent bursts of his easily recognizable nervous laughter.
Enact a new Rule, "Hersch Value":-
(a bit of a rip from Call of Chthulhu, but hey)
Enacted by Kevan, 7th January. +10 Life to Cayvie, +5 to Kevan.
Enact a new Rule, "Hersch Value":-
In (presumed) memory of the (most likely) deceased leader of the last AARG team, Jakob Hersch, each member of the research group is assigned a Hersch value. Hersch values measure the "disturbance level", if you will, of individual researchers. Each researcher's Hersch value begins at 0, and can be any whole number from 0 to 20. Certain factors (lack of sleep, head injury, the silent smothering isolation of the Antarctic, etc.) can increase it, and there probably exist things that can decrease it as well. Hersch values have the following effects on the researchers:
If a non-trivial proposal is pending, the Radio may, once per proposal, roll a d20 for each researcher. These rolls may, but do not have to, be made public. If a researcher's assigned d20 roll is less than or equal to that researcher's Hersch value, then the Radio randomly determines the researcher's vote on that particular proposal, by and then posts "[Player] votes [randomly determined vote]". Votes randomly determined by the Radio may not be changed.
(a bit of a rip from Call of Chthulhu, but hey)

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