Proposal: I must say that in the right light, you look like Shackleton
enact a rule called "The Ghost of SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON"
Failed by Mat Jan 8; 18:00
There is a ghost lurking about the premises. It moves from room to room. The members of the AARG have affectionately named him The Ghost of SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON. Should any lifeforms encounter the ghost the results can be quite unexpected
Upon the enactment of this rule the ghost starts out in a location of the Radio's choosing. Subsequently, at 24 hour intervals the Radio must somehow randomly assign the ghost to a different room. Of course if the Radio should happen to be off for a period of time exceeding 24 hours then the ghost does not move.
If any lifeform is in the same the room as the ghost for the entire 24 hour period then that(those) lifeform(s)'s Hersch value increases by 5.

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