Proposal: Moss and Lichen, Don't be Silly!
While examining and attempting to fix up the Laboratory, the AARG team discovered something unusual and disturbing. Most of the samples collected by the previous group were sealed in airtight jars, but there was one jar, labeled "Unidentified Fungus(?)" that lay broken and empty, save for a few pale green flecks of something. The floor around the broken jar was covered in a slick green sheen that resisted the team's efforts in cleaning it up. Over the course of the next week or so, the slick spot grew until it covered the floor of the entire laboratory. It has not spread to the walls or outside the lab, but it does make walking in the laboratory dangerous. And who knows what other effects it might have...
Alter rule "Outpost 37" in the following manner:
After "The Laboratory" append
Add a new rule, "Infections"
Enacted by Mat Jan 8; 18:07
Alter rule "Outpost 37" in the following manner:
After "The Laboratory" append
(any Lifeform entering the Laboratory must immediately post a GNDT comment saying "Laboratory:DICE". If the value of this roll is 1 or 2, then the Lifeform slips and loses 5 Life, and, if the roll was a 1, gets infected with Green Fungus(see below)).
Add a new rule, "Infections"
Lifeforms may, in various ways, become infected with diseases. This is monitored in the GNDT. The list of known diseases is as follows:
Green Fungus: The duration of a Green Fungus infection is 4 days. Each day, the diseased lifeform's Hersch value goes up by 2 and he or she loses 4 Life. After the 4-day period is over, the lifeform gains back all Life lost in this manner. However, his or her Hersch value stays where it is.

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