Proposal: Let's Hope It's Not In Vein
Enact a new Rule, "Emergency Transfusion:"
If Rule: Weaponry passes in some form, add the following sentence:
[Edited at 10:34 EST for new Thing - Human relations.]
Enacted by Mat Jan 9; 01:58
Given the proper equipment, any Lifeform may perform a transfusion of Life to another Lifeform in the same Location at a cost / benefit ratio of 1:1. To perform a transfusion, each Lifeform must post to the GNDT his or her new Life total, with a comment indicating the other Lifeform involved in the transfusion.
Any recipient Lifeform has the right to refuse a transfusion; to do so, that Lifeform may simply choose not to post to the GNDT regarding the transfusion within 24 hours of its initialization. In this case, if the donor Lifeform's Life is still lost.
When the Radio notices a Human donating to a Thing, he or she may roll d6 once. On a 1 or 2, the donor still loses the Life donated, but the Life the recipient would have gained is subtracted from his or her total instead. On a 1, the Thing is converted back to a Human. On 3-6, the transfusion takes effect as normal.
When the Radio notices a Thing donating to a Human, he or she may roll d6 once. On a 1 or 2, the donor still loses the Life donated, but the Life the recipient would have gained is subtracted from his or her total instead. On 3-6, the Human is converted to a Thing, and the transfusion takes place as normal.
Being on either end of a transfusion raises a Lifeform's Hersch Value by 1.
The proper equipment is currently only available in the Laboratory, and cannot be removed, so both Lifeforms must be there to perform a transfusion.
If Rule: Weaponry passes in some form, add the following sentence:
If either the donor or recipient Lifeform possesses a Knife, they need not be in the Laboratory. If they are not, however, the cost / benefit ratio is changed to 2:1 (eg Brendan may sacrifice 10 Life to give Joranj 5 Life).
[Edited at 10:34 EST for new Thing - Human relations.]

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