Proposal: Another new Game [Mob] [Trivial]
Add a new game into rule 21.
Vetoed by Wittgenstein, -5 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor (19 Feb 4 pm)
Players are invited by the casino manager to place as much money as they wish on any one dice result. They must have enough money to cover their bet. Three dice are then thrown by the casino manager once betting is closed. If your number appears on one die only, you get your money back plus the same amount. If two dice show your number, you get your money back plus twice the amount you bid. If your number appears on all three dice, you get your money back plus three times the amount. Of course if the number is not on any of the dice, the casino gets your money.
To make this clearer with an example, suppose that you bet 1 dollar on No. 6. If one die shows a 6, you get your dollar back plus another dollar. If two dice show 6, you get back your dollar plus two dollars. If three dice show 6, you get your dollar back plus three dollars.

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