Proposal: Judge not, lest ye be judged [LAW]
Add the following rule, Judgement:
If no rule on rioting exists, replace the last sentence of the third paragraph with:
Failed by Kevan, 15th Feb - timed out 1 votes to 1. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Kevan.
Penalised non-voters: Bluebottle, ChinDoGu, Elazar, est, Glaisne, Joranj, Kahbn, Kamikaze, Keitalia, Orkboi, Royce, Satyr Eyes, Taraba, Wittgenstein, Zev.
The Man also holds the position of Judge. Once a trial is concluded, and if the accused is found guilty, it is up to him to decide and enforce the sentence that the perpetrator must serve.
If the crime has not been commited before, then the Man must decide upon an appropriate length of time that an offender must serve, based on the severity of the crime and in context with the punishments given for other crimes. Once this precident has been set, any moderator may record it in the ruleset under this rule.
If it is judged that The Man has awarded too high a sentence for any given crime, then he may be lobbied by email to change the sentence. If he refuses to do so, it is the perogative of the people to riot.
If the crime has been committed before, then The Man must abide by his own precedent. He may increase the terms of the sentence by up to 25%, or lower it by any amount he chooses.
Once a prisoner has served half of his or her time, The Man may, at his own descression, release them on bail. While on bail, a Person may not join the police force, and if they are caught committing another crime they must serve the maximum amount possible, plus an extra day.
Punishments may also be accompanied by a fine, at The Man's descression. A fine may not be greater than $250.
If no rule on rioting exists, replace the last sentence of the third paragraph with:
A standard Call to Judgement may force The Man to release the prisoner entirely.

Penalised non-voters: Bluebottle, ChinDoGu, Elazar, est, Glaisne, Joranj, Kahbn, Kamikaze, Keitalia, Orkboi, Royce, Satyr Eyes, Taraba, Wittgenstein, Zev.
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