Proposal: Wrath of Eris
Eris is apparently annoyed that she has no followers, and has decided to take out her aggression on the game of nomic.
Create a new rule, entitled "The Wrath of Eris."
Vetoed by Satyr Eyes with voting 7 to 0. Failed by Satyr Eyes at 22:37 GMT, 3.31.2004. -3 to Cayvie, +1 to Satyr Eyes.
Create a new rule, entitled "The Wrath of Eris."
Eris, goddess of strife and discord, finds the neat complexity of our ruleset quite unpalatable, and has decided to take matters into her own hands. Whenever an admin enacts a proposal, he/she must make a comment in the GNDT, "Wrath of Eris: DICE." If the result is a 1, he/she must make a second comment in the GNDT, "Uh-oh: DICE," and Eris performs the corresponding action.
1: Eris halves a randomly selected even number in the ruleset (outside the core ruleset).
2: Eris doubles a randomly selected odd number in the ruleset (outside the core ruleset).
3: Eris adds the sentence, "This paragraph has no effect on gameplay." to a randomly selected paragraph in the ruleset (outside the core ruleset)
4: Eris changes all digits (excluding dice rolls and rule numberings) in a randomly selected rule (outside the core ruleset) to 1.
5: Eris vetoes the oldest pending proposal in the proposal queue. The admin marks this by commenting on the proposal with the sentence "Eris made me do it :VETO:" and the proposal automatically and immediately fails.
6: Eris decides to be extra-nasty today. Roll twice more on this table. If three sixes are rolled for a single proposal, however, Eris deletes this rule from the ruleset (after performing her other actions), deciding that it's hopeless here.
The admin should use a random number generator, found all over the web, to determine Eris's actions. For example, if a 1 was rolled on this table, the admin would count up the number of even numbers in the ruleset (outside the core ruleset), generate a random number between 0 and this, and then count down to it. (i.e. if there are 40 even numbers, generate a random number from 0 to 40, say 15, and then halve the 15th even number).

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