Proposal : Plain Sailing [Trivial]
Simplify the effect of the "Sailor" job from:-
Failed 3 to 8 by Satyr Eyes at 10:00 GMT, 04.04.2004. -3 to Kevan, +1 to Satyr Eyes.
Once per lacuna, the sailor may make a GNDT comment "Sailing: DICE". That roll is known as the Sailing roll. On a sailing roll of 1 nothing happens. On a roll of 2 or 3 or 4 the speed of the sailor's captain is decreased by 2 until the next lacuna has started. On a roll of 5 or 6 the speed of the sailor's captain is increased by 5 until the next lacuna has started. A sailor also counts as deckhand. This is an advanced job for deckhands.
Sailors have a Speed of 2, and also count as Deckhands. This is an advanced job for Deckhands.

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