Proposal: To Stop My Mind From Wandering (trivial)
In Rule 11, Ships, amend the last five words of "Any Mariner newly joining BlogNomic, as well as any Mariner who returns to BlogNomic after being Idle since the beginning of the previous Lacuna, is placed aboard the Ship with the smallest number of Mariners" to read "the smallest nonzero number of Mariners."
In Rule 22, Ailments, amend "If a ship has this ailment throughout 1 lacuna it contracts the ailment ‘Ghost Ship’" to read "If a Ship has this Ailment throughout one Lacuna, the Ailment is replaced with the Ailment ‘Ghost Ship’".
If at least half of the comments to this post that contain counted votes also contain the text string "===|:)" (hereafter called the "Abe Lincoln"), then in Rule 25, Homesickness, amend the phrase "At the end of each Lacuna the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner" to read "At the end of each Lacuna, immediately prior to executing Captains' Orders, the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner."
If less than half of the comments to this post that contain counted votes contain the Abe Lincoln, then in Rule 25, Homesickness, amend the phrase "At the end of each Lacuna the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner" to read "At the end of each Lacuna, subsequent to executing Captains' Orders, the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner."
Passed 13 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 11:05 GMT, 3.31.2004, with the Abe Lincoln tally 6 with - 7 without. +3 to Satyr Eyes.
In Rule 22, Ailments, amend "If a ship has this ailment throughout 1 lacuna it contracts the ailment ‘Ghost Ship’" to read "If a Ship has this Ailment throughout one Lacuna, the Ailment is replaced with the Ailment ‘Ghost Ship’".
If at least half of the comments to this post that contain counted votes also contain the text string "===|:)" (hereafter called the "Abe Lincoln"), then in Rule 25, Homesickness, amend the phrase "At the end of each Lacuna the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner" to read "At the end of each Lacuna, immediately prior to executing Captains' Orders, the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner."
If less than half of the comments to this post that contain counted votes contain the Abe Lincoln, then in Rule 25, Homesickness, amend the phrase "At the end of each Lacuna the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner" to read "At the end of each Lacuna, subsequent to executing Captains' Orders, the Poet will deduct Morale from each Mariner."

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