Proposal: Opiates are the religion of the masses
Better make use of some of these locations.
add to the bullet point after the string of characters "Isle of the Lotus-Eaters. (80-75)" in rule 19 "Mariners' Map" the following:
Failed by Kevan, 2nd April. -3 to Aaron, +1 to Kevan.
add to the bullet point after the string of characters "Isle of the Lotus-Eaters. (80-75)" in rule 19 "Mariners' Map" the following:
When a ship docks at the Isle of the Lotus-Eaters, the captain of that ship must make a post to the GNDT "Opium: DICE". On a roll of 1, all deckhands of that ship become "Enraptured". On a roll of 2, all warriors of that ship become "Enraptured". On a roll of 3, 4, or 5 nothing happens. On a roll of 6, both the deckhands and the warriors on that ship become enraptured. If the captain of the docked ship orders a resupply action then the captain rerolls and on a roll of 6 all members of the resupplying ship become "Enraptured".

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