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Monday, May 17, 2004

Proposal: Freedom of Information Act

Add to the end of Rule - 13 "Tasks"

Changes to the Ruleset announced at the time of the task's introduction do not take effect if one more than half of the Crew Members participating in the task (rounded down) include "no rule change" in the comments of the task.

Changes to the Ruleset resulting from completed tasks which are not announced at the task's introduction must be posted to the BlogNomic weblog with the heading "[name of task] rules". These changes take effect after 48 hours unless two-thirds (rounded down) of the Crew Members have voted Against within that time.

FOR Timed out; passed 8 to 4 by Brendan at 6:03 pm GMT on 5.19.2004. +10 to Ornithopter, +2 to Brendan.