Proposal: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
The long-distance communicator breifly crackles to life, informing the survivors that Earth has been invaded by the aliens and destroyed. Those alive on this planet are the last remnants of humanity.
Add a new rule, Despair:
If there is a rule called Cannibalization, add the following. If not, add the following to the bottom of Rule 11, Food.
If there is a rule called Cannibalization, change the following in the third paragraph:
If, when this proposal is enacted, more than half of all votes (FOR and AGAINST) are followed by the word 'English' (in bold), then change all instances of the term 'cannibalization' to 'cannibalisation'.
Failed 1 to 5 by Brendan at 3:16 pm GMT on 6.14.2004. -3 to dear departed Josh, +1 to Brendan.
Add a new rule, Despair:
Each crew member has a Despair rating, which is tracked in the GNDT. The initial despair rating for each crew member is equal to 10 minus their Health divided by 10, rounded down. Each time a Crew Member is the victim of an Alien attack, any crew member may add 2 to their Despair rating. Each time a Crew Member fails to eat, any crew member may add 1 to their despair rating. Whenever a Crew Member is alone in a location, their Despair rating goes up by 2. Whenever a Crew Member successfully leads a cannibalisation attempt, their Despair rating goes down by 5, reflecting their descent into a different kind of insanity, but being an accomplace to a cannibalisation adds 1 to a Crew Member's despair. If a Crew Member is in the same location as a dead body, any player may raise their Despair by 1 per day. All Crew Members gain 1 despair every 5 days.
Every time a Crew Member eats, their Despair threatens to overwhelm them. They must roll 4 Dice (by posting DICE: to the GNDT four times). If the result is higher than their despair, they may reduce their despair by 1. If the result is lower, they commit suicide, and their health is set to 0. If they roll four 1s, they go mad and engage in a killing spree, killing everyone in the same location as them.
If there is a rule called Cannibalization, add the following. If not, add the following to the bottom of Rule 11, Food.
If there is a dead body in the same location as a Crew Member, any eligable Crew Member may lead a cannibalisation attempt against it, which succeeds automatically. Dead crew members yeald 1 Food to all Crew Members in that location when cannibalised.
If there is a rule called Cannibalization, change the following in the third paragraph:
and the Ringleader and all Accomplices may set their respective Food values to 3.
and the Ringleader may set their Food value to 3, and all Accomplaces may add 3 to their Food value.
If, when this proposal is enacted, more than half of all votes (FOR and AGAINST) are followed by the word 'English' (in bold), then change all instances of the term 'cannibalization' to 'cannibalisation'.

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