Proposal : Big Red Button
Create a new Rule, "Self-Destruct":-
Enacted by Kevan, 14.6.04. +12 to Kevan.
Any Crew Member on the Bridge or in the Engine Room may initiate the ship's self-destruct systems by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog with the title "Self-Destruct in T Minus 48 Hours". This switches the SDS on.
Any Crew Member on the Bridge or in the Engine Room may abort the destruct sequence by responding to that blog entry with a comment that contains the sentence "Self-Destructed aborted." - this switches the SDS off.
If the SDS has been on for 48 hours with no interruptions, then the ship's already-damaged power systems will successfully overload and detonate, with the following effects:-
- The Bridge, the Galley, the Engine Room and the Cargo Hold should be deleted from Rule 14, and any Crew Members who are in those Locations are killed outright (their Health is set to zero) and moved to a newly-created Location, "The Wreckage" (numbered "1-4" in Rule 14).
- Replace "six Locations in and around the ship" with "three Locations in and around the wreckage of the ship".
- Replace "All Crew begin on the Bridge" with "All Crew begin in the Wreckage".
- This rule is then repealed.

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