Proposal : Alien Incursion
The aliens have captured the bridge. Luckly those located there had time to escape out the rear entrance. All crew members who are currently located on the bridge must chose a new location within 48 hours. If they have not, any player may assign their location as they see fit.
Replace in rule locations
and also
remove from rule locations the entry for the bridge (Do not renumber the other locations)
since the aliens now control the ships systems, they are using them to hunt down the strongest pockets of resistance. so...
Add to rule Aliens, after the third sentance of the rule.
Enacted by Kevan - timed out 5 votes to 3, on the 14th of June. +10 to ChinDoGu, +2 to Kevan, -5 to Axiallus, Josh and Shade for failing to vote.
Replace in rule locations
All crew begin on the bridge
All crew begin in the Galley
and also
remove from rule locations the entry for the bridge (Do not renumber the other locations)
since the aliens now control the ships systems, they are using them to hunt down the strongest pockets of resistance. so...
Add to rule Aliens, after the third sentance of the rule.
should the number rolled not corespond with an existing location, or not contain any crew members with health >0 the attack is instead directed at the location with the highest total health of all crew members at that location.

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