Proposal: Cannibal Holocaust (trivial)
Add the following to Rule 11:
Timed out; passed 5 to 4 by Brendan at 2:10 pm GMT on 6.11.2004. +2 to Josh, +1 to Brendan, -5 to slackers Axiallus, Shade and Inauspicious.
If a Crew Member wishes to eat but has no food, they may turn to their crewmates for sustainance. Any Crew Member with a 'Food' value of 0 may post to the BlogNomic weblog, specifying one crew member in the same location as themselves to be sacrificed for the greater good. All crew members in the same location except the poster of the entry and their accused must vote FOR the sacrifice within 24 hours. If this takes place, then the sacrificed crew member has their Health set to 0 and all other Crew members in that location may add 5 to their Food value.

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