Proposal : Ad-Mine [Trivial]
Reword the first paragraph of Rule 11 - Efficiency, which currently reads
to read
and add the following paragraph:
Passed 9 to 0 by Keitalia at 22:17 GMT on 6.21.2004. +2 to Brendan, +1 to Keitalia
Each Teamsperson (except the District Manager) may belong to a single Department - Sales, Marketing, Research, Accounts or Admin. Each Department has a Department Head, who tracks that Department's Efficiency as a GNDT variable next to their own name. (All non-Head Teamspeople have an Efficiency of "-".)
to read
Each Teamsperson may belong to a single Department - Sales, Marketing, Research, Accounts or Admin. Each Department has a Department Head, who tracks that Department's Efficiency as a GNDT variable next to their own name. (All non-Head Teamspeople have an Efficiency of "-".) The CEO is always the Department Head of Admin, and no Teamsperson may join Admin without the authorization of the CEO.
and add the following paragraph:
No Teamsperson who belongs to a Department may change his or her own Department, except under the auspices of a subsequent Rule. The CEO may change any Teamsperson's Department to Admin, or may change the Department of any Teamsperson belonging to Admin to another Department. These actions are referred to as Promotions and Reassignations, respectively, and must be accompanied by memos explaining the reasoning behind each of them.

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