Proposal: We reward initiative with lucrative stock options
Create a rule entitled Stock Options:
Create two new GNDT field columns entitled Company Stock(x) and Team Stock(y), where x and y track the current value of their respective stocks.
I didn't think it wise to set a formula for calculating stock until we saw what Effeciency and Dignity really did in this dynasty, as well as any other new ideas that might pertain to the value of the stock which might still be inside people's heads.
Failed 10 to 1 by Brendan at 6:19 pm GMT on 6.21.2004. -3 to Trumancapote, +1 to Brendan.
Here at TTC, each Teamperson is rewarded with stock options for good work and effecient business practices, or sucking up.
Create two new GNDT field columns entitled Company Stock(x) and Team Stock(y), where x and y track the current value of their respective stocks.
The value of Company Stock is based on the performance of TTC as a whole, while Team Stock value is based on the perfromance of the individual team the Teamperson is currently assigned to. A Teamperson may only own the Team Stock in the team they are currently a part of. The value in the specific personal GNDT fields tracks the number of shares of stock owned by the Teamperson.
The formula for calculating the value of Company Stock is: [this sentence here until a company stock value forumla is set] The formula for calculating the value of Team Stock is: [this sentence here until a Team stock value forumla is set] The value of either stock is to be set at a whole number integer, rounded down from it's formula number, and can never reach below zero.
Stock options are rewarded in the following ways:
1.) When a Teamperson votes FOR on a proposal that passes or AGAINST on a proposal that fails , and their vote is the first vote, and is made before any comments, they receive 500 Company Stock.
2.) When a Teamperson votes AGAINST a proposal which passes, or FOR a proposal that fails, and the proposal was made by the Department Head of a Department which they're not in, their own Department Head may reward them 200 Team Stock upon their discretion.
3.) When any proposal made by a Teamperson passes they may reward themselves 25x Company Stock, where x is ((number of people voting FOR the proposal) divided by (number of people voting against the proposal)). Should no Teampersons vote AGAINST a proposal, x is simply the number of people voting FOR the proposal. If 25x is not a whole integer number, it shalled be rounded down to the nearest whole integer.
4.) This sentence waiting for more ideas on the rewarding of Stock.
No stock may be rewarded for any reason until a proper formula for calculating the value of Company and Team Stock is made, at which time this sentence shall repeal itself.
I didn't think it wise to set a formula for calculating stock until we saw what Effeciency and Dignity really did in this dynasty, as well as any other new ideas that might pertain to the value of the stock which might still be inside people's heads.

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