Proposal : The Singing Directive
Add a new rule, "The Corporate Song":-
To the Glossary, add:-
Passed 10 to 1 by Brendan at 6:58 pm GMT on 6.20.2004. +10 to Kevan, +2 to Brendan.
A singing workforce is a happy workforce. This rule shall contain the (unfinished) Corporate Song of the TTC Conglomerate.
The District Manager may encourage staff to assist in the writing of the Corporate Song by posting a memo with the subject "Corporate Songwriting", containing a single feedline of text. Other Teamspersons should post their choice of a single follow-up line, in comments to that memo - after 24 hours, the District Manager shall choose the best of these lines and add both it and the feedline to the Corporate Song. The writer of the chosen line gains 10 Dignity.
The Corporate Song:-
[song goes here - this paragraph shall be deleted when the first two lines of the song are posted]
To the Glossary, add:-
Blog entries can also be referred to as "memos" during this Dynasty. (This glossary entry shall remove itself at the end of the First Dynasty of Brendan.)

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