Proposal: "We need to de-centralize to retain optimum efficiency"
If "Proposal: Efficency Drive" passes:
Add a new rule, "Reorganization":
If this proposal passes, Greth will gain half the accepted dignity for its passing.
Passed 9 to 0 by Brendan at 8:03 pm GMT on 6.20.2004. +5 to Greth, +2 to Brendan.
Add a new rule, "Reorganization":
A Department Head, upon reaching 7 efficency, has the option of 'Reorganizing' (also referred to as a 're-org') their department by posting a post with the title of either "Reorganizing" or "Re-org", and listing the name of two Teamspersons.
One Teamsperson must be from the poster's department (referred to as the "Lackey"), and another must not be (referred to as the "Chum"). The Department Head in question must also have more Dignity than the Teamsperson from the other department. Preforming this action costs a department half of their efficency (rounded up), not to exceed 5.
If the above conditions hold true 24 hours after the inital call for Reorganization, then the following takes effect:
The Chum and the Lackey swap departments. The Lackey loses 10 Dignity, but the Lackey's new department gains half of the Efficency spent by his original department (rounded down). The Chum gains 5 dignity.
If this proposal passes, Greth will gain half the accepted dignity for its passing.

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