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Monday, September 13, 2004

Call for Judgement: Holy Crap

My question has been answered. This CFJ is now useless.

My question involves Orson: How in the world did you get to Pop 256 and still have size 9 without Breathing at some point? Not that I'm accusing you of cheating I just see no way this was at all feasible even though Size Matters and Quantum Reap weren't passed. If you started at 100 size and 1 pop and split seven times, your size would be 0 and your population would be 128. Why is your size 9 and your population 256?

I'm going to edit this CFJ later on so we can actually fix, or not fix things, depending on what the hell is going on.

We also need to fix the things people did because of the error in Rule 11. Just because it was enacted wrong doesn't mean you can ignore a Rule that was passed. (Did Simon do this? I'm confused is all I know.)

I'll go curl into a very confused ball and die now.