Proposal: Competition for Space
Add a new rule, Absorbtion and Smothering:
As you might imagine, more to follow.
Failed 6 -2, parting the viel of mist automatically also fails, -3 to Josh + 2 to Truman
If one Strain has a larger size than another, then it may attempt to absorb that Strain, provided that both Strains absorb the same element. To do this, it must expend Size equal to its targets Population multiplied by its Size. The absorbing strain thus gains Population equal to that of the Strain it has just absorbed from minus y, where y is the result of a GNDT entry of DICE. Meanwhile, the absorbee has their Population reduced to y, but their Size increased by x/2, where x is the Size expended by the absorbing Strain to complete the operation. A Strain may not absorb from another Strain if it is currently being smothered.
A group of Strains may elect to Smother another Strain. All smothering Strains must have lower Size than their intended target, must emit a different element from the one that the target absorbs, and their combined population must exceed their target's Size for the smother to succeed. If these criteria are met (all participating smothering units must post a comment to the GNDT within 24 hours of each other confirming their involvement before the smother can go ahead) then the victim has their Size reduced to 1, but their population doubles as some cells make a bid for freedom. The smotherers population is halved as a result, but they then gain Size equal to their amended population.
A Strain may only absorb or smother once in a 24 hour period. It may not absorb or smother within 24 hours of having doubled its population under rule 11, nor may it double its population under rule 11 within 24 hours of having absorbed or smothered.
As you might imagine, more to follow.

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