Call for Judgement: Vote of Confidence
Considering the errors in the GNDT introduced by the wrong wording of the Enzyme ruling;
Considering the potential misinterpretations of the Specimen/Strain wording introduced by Proposal: Population Control;
Considering Proposal: Population Control was approved and so it’s the will of our collective that a Specimen/Strain differentiation is good;
Considering our Control Strain is one of the most ancient players of this Nomic and has proved his good faith time and time again;
Considering all that, I present for judgement the following proposition:
CfJ passed by Kevan, and effects enacted immediately. Explanatory post to follow momentarily.
Considering the potential misinterpretations of the Specimen/Strain wording introduced by Proposal: Population Control;
Considering Proposal: Population Control was approved and so it’s the will of our collective that a Specimen/Strain differentiation is good;
Considering our Control Strain is one of the most ancient players of this Nomic and has proved his good faith time and time again;
Considering all that, I present for judgement the following proposition:
That our Control Strain be empowered to make any modification, in the Ruleset and in the GNDT, he deems fit for correcting the problems pointed above, in the spirit of the current Dinasty's approved proposals and good faith.
After that, the Control Strain will make a post in the official BlogNomic Blog, delineating all modifications he made.
The special powers conferred to the Control Strain by this CfJ shall terminate after 3 days of its enactment or when the Control Strain makes the post mentioned in the previous paragraph, what comes first.
While the Control Strain retains these special powers, no modification shall be made in the GNDT by any Strain other than the Control Strain, and no Proposal shall be enacted by any Admin other than the Control Strain.
Should any Strain disagree with a modification done by the Control Strain while in use of these special powers, that Strain shall put forth a Call for Judgement over that disagreement.

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