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Friday, October 15, 2004

Proposal: ATP

Add an ATP rule:
Every strain has an ATP level, which is tracked in the GNDT.

A new strain starts out with 0 ATP.

Once a day, a strain may Metabolize. Metabolizing costs in Size twice the Strain's current ATP level. That Strain then gains 1 ATP.

Once a day, a strain may Feed another. Strains can only Feed strains with a lower ATP level than them, and only once per day. When a Strain feeds another, the feeding Strain loses 2 ATP and gets +1 Size and +10 Population. The Strain being Fed gets +1 ATP.

If this Proposal passes, 70% (round up) of the authoring reward shall be credited to ShadowSliver.

This is, of course, not the way ATP metabolism occurs in real cells, but it's quite in theme. I tweaked some of the values proposed originally by ShadowSliver, to make it more balanced.

6-1 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos