Proposal: Limited Mutation
[I want to restrict changing Enome values, to force Strains to live with their choices and not jump to the latest and greatest Abilities too easily.]
Add a rule, Mutation:
In the rule Ability Genes, remove the lines about costs to acquire for all Abilities.
If this Proposal is Enacted, all Strains get 4 Mutation points minus the number of non-innocuous lowercase and twice the number of uppercase non-innocuous Enome Bases they have.
[That's retroactive payment for the Abilities acquired before this rule goes into effect.]
3-2 - Timed Out - Enacted by Orson, Oct 13
Add a rule, Mutation:
Each Strain has a pool of Mutation points which are tracked in the GNDT. At any time a Strain may deduct 2 from their Mutation pool to change one Base of their Enome to an upper case character, or 1 from their pool to change it to a lower case character or to revert it to innocuous, as long as that wouldn't cause the pool to drop below zero.
At the beginning of every week, a Strain may add one to its Mutation pool.
In the rule Ability Genes, remove the lines about costs to acquire for all Abilities.
If this Proposal is Enacted, all Strains get 4 Mutation points minus the number of non-innocuous lowercase and twice the number of uppercase non-innocuous Enome Bases they have.
[That's retroactive payment for the Abilities acquired before this rule goes into effect.]

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