Proposal: Re-enact Hybrids [Trivial]
Add a Hybridization rule:
Add a Hybrid Request rule:
In the Population rule, change
Set all currently existing Strains' Generation to 1 and Ancestry to their own name.
We didn't have the time to effectively try this one...
5-4 - Timed Out - Enacted by Orson
Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.
Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.
A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.
Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.
Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.
Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
Add a Hybrid Request rule:
Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
* A name for the new Hybrid Strain
* An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
* How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.
Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:
* No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.
* If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.
* If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.
* There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.
* After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.
* Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.
The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.
When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.
In the Population rule, change
If a Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
If an Original Strain is the only non-Dead strain in the Game, that Strain may claim Victory.
Set all currently existing Strains' Generation to 1 and Ancestry to their own name.
We didn't have the time to effectively try this one...

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