Call for Judgement: Deeper Fix
[An Admin with an accomplice can generate points freely using just the core ruleset, by the self-kill/admin method Chronos describes. I don't think that this has ever been a problem in BlogNomic before because it is a lopsided gain by the Admin, but if there is a way to reward the accomplice (like protocols) then the exploit becomes a tempting conspiracy.
Removing just Protocols is not enough. Rule 21 could be used to gain 1 free EV a day if the Speaker is an Admin.
I think it is better to to close this loophole at the source. I think we should remove the reward for failing a Proposal. It is not much work to fail a Proposal and there is still incentive for the Admin to move the queue along to get to Enactable Proposals.]
If this Call for Judgement passes remove "Fail a Proposal or" from this line in rule 6 :
6-0. Reached Quorum (6). Enacted by Orson, Nov 17.
Removing just Protocols is not enough. Rule 21 could be used to gain 1 free EV a day if the Speaker is an Admin.
I think it is better to to close this loophole at the source. I think we should remove the reward for failing a Proposal. It is not much work to fail a Proposal and there is still incentive for the Admin to move the queue along to get to Enactable Proposals.]
If this Call for Judgement passes remove "Fail a Proposal or" from this line in rule 6 :
Whenever they Fail a Proposal or Enact a Trivial Proposal, they may claim 2 Confidence.

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