Proposal: Anti-Discrimination Law
Add a rule, Discrimination:
Self Fail. Failed by Orson Nov 11.
This rule takes precedence over rules 5 and 6.As the esteemed speaker for the VRWC pointed out, there are many ways to avoid the letter of the law, and this proposal is no exception. Work-arounds I can think of off the top of my head: targetting 2 Lords with the same effect, setting a timebomb in the rules which doesn't target a single Lord immediately. Despite these flaws, I hope you agree that we have to begin somewhere. We cannot expect the Prime Minister to bear this responsibility alone.
When Votes are tallied, if any effect in the Proposal or resulting Rule will be applied to a single Lord, the Proposal is called Discriminatory. In this case, the author does not get the usual implied FOR Vote, and any Vote cast by the author or members of their Party are ignored, and an AGAINST Vote by any Lord singled out by the Discriminatory Proposal is considered the same as a Prime Minister Veto.

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