Proposal: We Need A Seating Arrangement Pronto
Add a new rule, Block Politics, as follows:
1-5 (1-9 EV) Self failed. Failed by Orson Nov 11.
All Parties belong to a Block, tracked by the GNDT. All Lords must have a Block entry -- the Block entry of the Speaker of a Party determines what Block the Party is in. No Member may have a Block entry different than his Speaker. If at any time a Member has a Block entry different than his Speaker, any Lord may change the entry to be in accordance with the appropriate Speaker's entry.
There are only three legal entries for Block: Liberal, Conservative, And Center.
Any time a new Party is created the first Lord who is Speaker of that Party may change his Block entry, once, within 24 hours.
Repeal this paragraph 24 hours after enactment. All Lords may change their Block entry once. All Lords are set to the Center block on enactment of this proposal.
A Block is said to have voted Unanimously on a proposal if at least one of its members casts a vote which evaluates to NO and no members cast a vote which evaluates to YES, or if at least one of its members casts a vote which evaluates to YES and no members cast a vote which evaluates to NO.
A Lord is said to have Defected from his Block if he is Liberal, the Conservative block has voted Unanimously, and his vote evaluates to the same as that of the Conservative block, OR he is Conservative, the Liberal Block has voted Unanimously, and his vote evaluates to the same as that of the Liberal Block.
The following bonuses and penalties apply only to non-Trivial proposals.
If the Center block votes Unanimously, all Center Lords lose 5 Confidence.
If the Conservative block votes Unanimously, all Conservative Lords gain 5 Confidence.
If the Liberal block votes Unanimously, all Liberal Lords gain 5 Confidence.
Any Lord who Defects loses 5 Confidence.
The above described Confidence changes take place immediately on enactment and are the responsibility of the enacting admin.

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