Proposal: I Think We Need A Seating Arrangement
Add a new rule, Block Politics:
You want some mad politicking? OK, so here's what it means. All Parties have exactly one Block they belong to. If all members of the Conservative or Liberal block agree with each other, thats good for them. If any Conservative or Liberal defects when that happens, thats bad for the defector. People in the Center Block don't have to worry about this, but if the Center unanimously votes for a certain outcome, they all lose out because they're not being a good Center.
I envision some really fun politicking with people trying to game this to produce Confidence runs which, of course, lead to Electoral Votes, which are the Water of Life.
"I swear Patio, if you vote with the seals you'll never see a War Committee assignment in this town again." "But they're so cute and cuddly!" "Right-wing nutjob." "Well, aren't we all?" "On our good days, Patio, on our good days."
3-5 (EV 4-6) Self fail. ShadowSliver's Vote was considered a single EV DEFERENTIAL - deferring to Chronos. Failed by Orson 11/10.
All Parties belong to one of the following three ideological Blocks: Liberal, Center, or Conservative. This is tracked in the GNDT as a property of each Lord. Any Lord may, at any time, set the Block of a Member of any Party to the same as the Speaker of that same Party.
The Speaker of a Party created in the last twentyfour hours may change his Block entry to any of the three legal values. This action may be performed only once per Party created, regardless of how many Speakers the Party may have in the twentyfour hour period.
Repeal this paragraph twenty-four hours after this Proposal is passed. All Lords are have their Block set to Center immediately on passage of this Proposal. Any Lord may alter their Block to one of the three legal values exactly once.
If at least one member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on any non-Trivial proposal, and no members of the Liberal Block cast a vote which tallies to NO on that same proposal, then all members of the Conservative Block who vote YES on that proposal lose 5 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on any non-Trivial proposal, and no members of the Liberal Block cast a vote which tallies to YES on that same proposal, then all members of the Conservative Block who vote NO on that proposal lose 5 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on any non-Trivial proposal, and no members of the Conservative Block cast a vote which tallies to NO on that same proposal, then all members of the Liberal Block who vote YES on that proposal lose 5 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on any non-Trivial proposal, and no members of the Conservative Block cast a vote which tallies to YES on that same proposal, then all members of the Liberal Block who vote NO on that proposal lose 5 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on a non-Trivial proposal, and no member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on the proposal, then all members of the Conservative Block gain 2 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on a non-Trivial proposal, and no member of the Conservative Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on the proposal, then all members of the Conservative Block gain 2 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on a non-Trivial proposal, and no member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on the proposal, then all members of the Liberal Block gain 2 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on a non-Trivial proposal, and no member of the Liberal Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on the proposal, then all members of the Liberal Block gain 2 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Center Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on a non-trivial proposal, and no member of the Center Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on the same proposal, then all members of the Center block lose 2 Confidence.
If at least one member of the Center Block casts a vote which tallies to NO on a non-trivial proposal, and no member of the Center Block casts a vote which tallies to YES on the same proposal, then all members of the Center block lose 2 Confidence.
You want some mad politicking? OK, so here's what it means. All Parties have exactly one Block they belong to. If all members of the Conservative or Liberal block agree with each other, thats good for them. If any Conservative or Liberal defects when that happens, thats bad for the defector. People in the Center Block don't have to worry about this, but if the Center unanimously votes for a certain outcome, they all lose out because they're not being a good Center.
I envision some really fun politicking with people trying to game this to produce Confidence runs which, of course, lead to Electoral Votes, which are the Water of Life.
"I swear Patio, if you vote with the seals you'll never see a War Committee assignment in this town again." "But they're so cute and cuddly!" "Right-wing nutjob." "Well, aren't we all?" "On our good days, Patio, on our good days."

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