Proposal : Spam Scam Counterslam [Trivial]
[ A couple of painless countermeasures to reduce infinity-scamming. ]
To the end of the first paragraph of Rule 16 (Caucuses), add:-
In Rule 11 (Parties), replace "Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party by posting an entry" with:-
Reached quorum; passed 8-0 (EV 11-0). Enacted 11/9 by Simon. +2 to Kevan and Simon.
To the end of the first paragraph of Rule 16 (Caucuses), add:-
A Lord may not request more than one Caucus per day.
In Rule 11 (Parties), replace "Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party by posting an entry" with:-
Any Lord may announce the creation of a new Party, no more than once per day, by posting an entry

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