Proposal : Keep It Complex, Stupid
[ Reproposing "Electoral Simplification" without deleting the clause that Chronos wanted kept. And rewording it to specifically explain what it means, as well. Bring me my slightly sharper axe, and some masking tape. ]
Reword Rule 21 (Electoral Gain), in its entirety, to:-
2-5 (4-10 EV) Could not be Enacted without a change of Vote. Failed by Orson Nov 11
Reword Rule 21 (Electoral Gain), in its entirety, to:-
(If any other Rule defines a way to gain or lose Electoral Votes, then any Admin may amend the ruleset so that the mechanism is described in this rule as well as or instead of the other Rule, provided that this would have no effect on the mechanism's behaviour.)
At any time, if a Lord has more than 100 Confidence, that Lord may spend ALL his current Confidence and increase his Electoral Votes by 1.
The Speaker of a Party may transfer any number of his or her Electoral Votes to other members of that Party, provided that no Electoral Votes have been transferred within that Party within the past 24 hours.

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