Proposal: Protocols, take 2
Here we go again. This rule, per si, doen't allow any procedure to be altered by a Protocol.
Create a rule Protocols:
Self Failed. Failed by Orson Nov 11.
Create a rule Protocols:
At any time a Lord may attempt to create or repeal a Protocol inside his own Party, by requesting a Caucus with that Party, with a topic of "[Create/Repeal] Protocol: [Title]".
The Prime Minister may cast a Veto to a Caucus creating a Protocol in any Party, as if he would the Speaker of that Party.
If the Caucus is approved, any Admin may append or delete the text of the approved or repealed Protocol to the end of this rule. Upon doing so, the Admin may transfer to himself up to 5 Confidence from the Petitioner. The text of all Protocols shall at all times be found on this rule and comply with it.
If the Caucus is rejected, the Petitioner loses 10 Confidence.
The text of a Protocol must specify the following points, and only these points:
* The name of the Protocol.
* The Party it applies to.
* Who is the Enforcer of the Protocol.
* Conditions that trigger the enforcing of the Protocol.
* Alterations, if any, in one or more procedures governed by a rule, other than the Protocols rule, that explicitly permits a Protocol to alter those procedures.
* Limits, if any, of applicability of the Protocol.
* The powers the Enforcer is entitled to.
The only powers a Protocol may entitle the Enforcer to are:
* Take any positive amount of Confidence and/or Electoral Votes from any group of Lords which are Members or the Speaker of his Party and distribute up to the same amount taken from these Stats to the same Stat of any group of Lords, even if in other Party.
* Change the Party affiliation of a Lord in his Party to "-" (meaning no Party), applying to that Lord any legal penalties for leaving a Party.
* Take any positive amount of the Supporter Perc of his Party’s Speaker and transfer it to any group of Speakers of other Parties.
No Protocol shall be enacted which alters, supersedes or otherwise modifies a procedure defined by a rule that doesn’t explicitly permits a Protocol to alter those procedures.
A Protocol may not be enforced in the period of 24 hours within its enactment. During that time, the Prime Minister may choose to Veto that Protocol, by applying the Imperial Seal to the comments of the Blog entry with the Caucus which created that Protocol. Any Admin may then delete the text of that Protocol from this rule and transfer up to 5 Confidence to himself from the Prime Minister.
If a Party ceases to exist, all Protocols from that Party may be deleted from this rule by any Admin.

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