Proposal: Budget
Create a rule Budget:
In the Cabinet rule, add to the description of the Chancellor of the Exchequer role:
To the end of the Cabinet rule, add:
When this Proposal is enacted, each Lord shall be given a Budget of B$ 10.000.
Let’s talk some real business here… I already have a couple of uses for the Budget in mind…
18-2 Knightking's votes doubled because of committee membership. Reached Quorum (5). Enacted by Chronos.
Each Lord controls a Budget, which is tracked by the GNDT as a non-negative amount of BlogDollars (B$). No action may be taken that makes a Lord budget a negative number. New Lords start with a budget of B$ 10.000.
At any time, a Lord may spend 5 Confidence to increase the budget he controls by B$ 5.000.
At any time, a Lord may reduce the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000 to increase his Confidence by 5.
At any time, a Lord may transfer as much of the Budget he controls to any other Lord.
Once a week, the Prime Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 15.000.
Once a week, the High Lord may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
In the Cabinet rule, add to the description of the Chancellor of the Exchequer role:
Within the period of 24 hours after a Lord’s Budget was increased, if that increase was not consequence of a transfer from other Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer may transfer to himself, to the Prime Minister or to the High Lord, from the Lord whose budget was increased up to 10% of that increase.
To the end of the Cabinet rule, add:
Once a week, each Minister may increase the Budget he controls by B$ 10.000.
When this Proposal is enacted, each Lord shall be given a Budget of B$ 10.000.
Let’s talk some real business here… I already have a couple of uses for the Budget in mind…

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