Proposal: Equality Among The Lords
In Rule 21: Electoral Gains, change
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If this proposal passes, the above die roll will be conducted under the old rule, not the new one.
That last sentence isn't, strictly speaking, necessary, but I'd like to keep things clear when possible. Admins have plenty of Confidence building advantages as it is, especially when coupled with the ability to admin strategically to improve one's standing with one's alliance, and they don't need this extra EV provision. Especially not with the massive unbalancing effect a few rolls of 6 would have on the game in a short order -- if the next two proposals from Party X roll boxcars you can kiss this dynasty goodbye -- thats four extra votes they can use to quash all opposition.
5-1 (6-1 EV) Reached Quorum & EV requirements. Enacted by Orson, Nov 8
Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1. If that dice comes up 6, the Electoral Votes held by both the Proposer and the Admin doing the enactment shall be raised by 1.
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Any time an Admin enacts a non-Trivial Proposal, he shall roll a dice. If that dice comes up 5 or 6, the Electoral Votes held by the Proposer shall be raised by 1.
If this proposal passes, the above die roll will be conducted under the old rule, not the new one.
That last sentence isn't, strictly speaking, necessary, but I'd like to keep things clear when possible. Admins have plenty of Confidence building advantages as it is, especially when coupled with the ability to admin strategically to improve one's standing with one's alliance, and they don't need this extra EV provision. Especially not with the massive unbalancing effect a few rolls of 6 would have on the game in a short order -- if the next two proposals from Party X roll boxcars you can kiss this dynasty goodbye -- thats four extra votes they can use to quash all opposition.

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