Proposal: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
[Recently, I went on a holiday tour of a land the inhabitants call "B-Nomic". In its patchwork of territories I observed much hustle and bustle, and I thought to myself, what can I do to foster exchange between our great nations?]
Add to the Cabinet rule:
Failed by Chronos
Add to the Cabinet rule:
* Minister for Foreign Affairs – the Minister for Foreign Affairs manages foreign policy regarding other recognized nations. The Lord with this Portfolio may introduce another nomic game as an entity worthy of formal recognition by posting an entry to the blog with the subject "Recognize Nation: [Nomic Name]" with a description and location of the nomic. The nomic being recognized must be an active nomic and it cannot already be on the Recognized Nation list. An Admin may claim 2 Confidence by adding this information to the Foreign Affairs rule and increasing by 5 the Confidence of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.Add a rule, Foreign Affairs:
The Parliament of BlogNomic recognizes these Nations:[This would be the first step toward reaching outside our borders. At the very least it will promote a survey of other nomic games. One way we could treat with other nomics without getting entangled in their rules is to use a neutral, open wiki. I wonder if we could do some good at the slowly crumbling Wiki?]
(-nation list-)

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