Proposal: No Kick-Forwards [Trivial]
Add the following paragraph to the rule Corruption:
I was sort of worried about someone unintentionally doing a kickback, SKing the proposal, and then having people pile on just because they could (with an electoral vote potentially at stake, thats a fairly serious worry). This closes that loophole. Note that if you SK something after the majority of votes on the proposal already contain an exposure you still get Scandalized, so this can't be abused to avoid the Corruption/Scandal rules.
15-0. Reached Quorum (7). Enacted by Chronos
No exposing of kickbacks may take place after the proposing Lord has cast a NO vote on his own proposal (i.e. a self-kill) or after the Prime Minister has VETOed the proposal.
I was sort of worried about someone unintentionally doing a kickback, SKing the proposal, and then having people pile on just because they could (with an electoral vote potentially at stake, thats a fairly serious worry). This closes that loophole. Note that if you SK something after the majority of votes on the proposal already contain an exposure you still get Scandalized, so this can't be abused to avoid the Corruption/Scandal rules.

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