CFJ: Existence as a Precondition for Just About Everything
At 6:11 AM (GMT) on 30/12 Quazie lobbed five brainchildren at Ben. Unfortunately, Quazie did not have five brainchildren. Although, Quazie claims that since the ruleset does not explicitly say that brainchildren must exist for them to be lobbed it seems rather absurd that one should have to mention that sort of thing outright. Consider the following sentence:
"The lizard may eat the fly."
For this to be meaningful there must first exist a lizard and a fly. If there is lacking in either one then the sentence is meaningless and therefore not applicable. Similarly:
"Quazie may lob as many brainchildren per day as Quazie has zombies."
In order for this to make any sense, there must be: 1 Quazie, at least one brainchild and he must have at least one zombie. Since there are no brainchildren it makes no sense for Quazie to have allegedly lobbed them. Additionally, we have always dealt with useable objects in discrete units. The possibilities of acquisition of the units in question here have already been outlined in rule 19. Neither method was employed by Quazie to acquire brainchildren, therefore everything following that Quazie did involving brainchildren is invalid.
Voting for this CFJ will simply undo Quazie's damage upon Ben and any other damage that is dealt via non-existent brainchildren.
CfJ passed by Kevan, 1st of January: eight in favour (KnightKing, Kevan, Chronos, Truman, Royce, Josh, Ben, Simon), five against (Quazie, Cayvie, Rodney, Aaron, 75th Trombone).
"The lizard may eat the fly."
For this to be meaningful there must first exist a lizard and a fly. If there is lacking in either one then the sentence is meaningless and therefore not applicable. Similarly:
"Quazie may lob as many brainchildren per day as Quazie has zombies."
In order for this to make any sense, there must be: 1 Quazie, at least one brainchild and he must have at least one zombie. Since there are no brainchildren it makes no sense for Quazie to have allegedly lobbed them. Additionally, we have always dealt with useable objects in discrete units. The possibilities of acquisition of the units in question here have already been outlined in rule 19. Neither method was employed by Quazie to acquire brainchildren, therefore everything following that Quazie did involving brainchildren is invalid.
Voting for this CFJ will simply undo Quazie's damage upon Ben and any other damage that is dealt via non-existent brainchildren.

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