Proposal: I Have Lain Awake
Add, to rule 2 - Hordes, after the paragraph about Admin staff, the following paragraph:
Grant Kevan Moderator status, unless he posts a comment to this proposal saying "I do not want this."
I went looking through the history of BlogNomic today, and realized that I, for one, have been a tremendous jerk on numerous occasions, in both comments and in-game actions. I think that my actions have been reprehensible at times, and have quite possibly lessened others' enjoyment of the game to the degree that they quit. I don't want that to happen, and I think that I would be far less likely to make deliberately inflammatory, mean, and/or petty personal remarks if there were some sort of penalty for, well, being a jerk.
I think that, in Blognomic, as in all games, players should keep level heads, think before they act, and refrain from personal attack. I realize that this proposal would give quite abusable power to certain individuals. This is why I suggested that Kevan should be a Moderator, as he has been around since the beginning of this game, and, I believe, cares more about the game of Blognomic than about winning a particular Dynasty. I trust him not to abuse this, but if he doesn't want to be a Moderator, then so be it. I suppose if this passes and he refuses the option, we can have some sort of vote.
If nobody else thinks that this is necessary, then feel free to vote against it. I just know that I (and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone) have the tendency to say and do things before I think about them, and this tendency is exacerbated on the Internet, as there's even less accountability for one's actions here. Perhaps if there were, then people would be less likely to be rude and mean.
Also, this gives us a more "spirit-of-the-law" way of escaping from a veto-hungry tyrant of an Emperor.
Could not reach quorum. Failed by Cayvie
Some Hordes are Moderators, responsible for keeping the game fun and clean, and are marked as such in the sidebar, by putting their names in italics. Hordes who wish to become Moderators should behave with respect, decency, and wisdom. Existing Moderators may be removed from their post by Proposal, CfJ or voluntary resignation. If a Moderator feels that a Horde's behavior is becoming detrimental to the game of BlogNomic, that Moderator may issue an Official Warning to that Horde, in whatever manner the Moderator sees fit. If a Horde has received 5 Official Warnings, a Moderator may, at their discretion, Idle that Horde and, if applicable, remove Admin privileges. The only way for a Horde to become a Moderator is to be invited by a current Moderator, though this occurence may only occur once every two Dynasties. A Moderator may not declare victory
Grant Kevan Moderator status, unless he posts a comment to this proposal saying "I do not want this."
I went looking through the history of BlogNomic today, and realized that I, for one, have been a tremendous jerk on numerous occasions, in both comments and in-game actions. I think that my actions have been reprehensible at times, and have quite possibly lessened others' enjoyment of the game to the degree that they quit. I don't want that to happen, and I think that I would be far less likely to make deliberately inflammatory, mean, and/or petty personal remarks if there were some sort of penalty for, well, being a jerk.
I think that, in Blognomic, as in all games, players should keep level heads, think before they act, and refrain from personal attack. I realize that this proposal would give quite abusable power to certain individuals. This is why I suggested that Kevan should be a Moderator, as he has been around since the beginning of this game, and, I believe, cares more about the game of Blognomic than about winning a particular Dynasty. I trust him not to abuse this, but if he doesn't want to be a Moderator, then so be it. I suppose if this passes and he refuses the option, we can have some sort of vote.
If nobody else thinks that this is necessary, then feel free to vote against it. I just know that I (and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone) have the tendency to say and do things before I think about them, and this tendency is exacerbated on the Internet, as there's even less accountability for one's actions here. Perhaps if there were, then people would be less likely to be rude and mean.
Also, this gives us a more "spirit-of-the-law" way of escaping from a veto-hungry tyrant of an Emperor.

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