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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Proposal: Crowding

The current wording on population caps is a bit wonky; if a place is overfilled, anyone can move there.


The Location of each Horde is tracked in the GNDT, and Hordes may move to any new Location at any time, unless such a movement would mean that the total number of Zombies in that Location exceeded its Size. New Hordes enter the game in the Graveyard, even if this would overfill it.


The Location of each Horde is tracked in the GNDT, and Hordes may move to any new Location at any time, unless, after said change of Location, the number of Zombies in that Location would be greater than its Size. New Hordes enter the game in the Graveyard, even if this would overfill it.

Each Horde who votes on this proposal has the option of including a 3-digit number along with his or her vote (only the most recent per Horde counting, of course.)
If this proposal is enacted, I will go to and generate a random 3-digit number. The Horde (myself not included) whose chosen number is closest to this number without going over shall gain Brains equal to their guessed number divided by 10, rounded down. If two people choose the same number, the one who chose it earlier is the only one who counts.

Cross 4-10. Cannot be enacted without COV. Failed by Smith, 22nd of Dec. -3 to Cayvie.